Trekking- und Climbing tour: Ganali

August 2008

Waltraud on an exposed ridge.
It was only a very short (too short...) tour, but it was very very impressive. The Ganali range has its own special character: No volcanoes but bizarrly eroded granite ridges.

Andy on the sharp ridge.
The Ganali Range is a north-south-ranging mountain range in central Kamchatka.

Leaving the main track towards Milkowo, the Ganali mountains can be reached within one day hike (ca. 25 km). Leave the road at km145 (about 20km south of the village Ganali) at the river Vaktan Malkinskij. Follow a small track towards east directly at the northern side of the bridge. At a tree marked with an X, follow the small path north. You will soon reach the nicest climbing region in Kamchatka.
Similar to Patagonia? Bizarre mountains of the Ganali range.